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Jim Alvarez in Coventry

  • Chishin Dojo Unit 4 Hotchkiss Way, Coventry CV3 2RL United Kingdom (map)

Jim Alvarez A.S.U. Rokudan (6th Dan) Seminar

Jim Alvarez Sensei, 6th Dan Aikido Schools of Ueshiba (A.S.U.), Shinkendo (I.S.F.) Kyoshi, Toyama Ryu 3rd Dan, coming to Coventry U.K.

Shinsei Dojo is pleased to be hosting a seminar with Jim Alvarez sensei of Aikido of Livermore Shinrei Dojo, San Francisco, on the 13th and 14th of August 2016.

The Seminar will be held at Chishin Dojo, Coventry and will run from 10.00 - 17.00 on Saturday and 11:00 to 16:00 on Sunday.

Earlier Event: 23 July
Lisa Tomoleoni in Glasgow
Later Event: 8 October
Mike Sigman in Coventry